Tuesday, 6 May 2014

God orchestrated

I know where most of her strengths are, I am her Mama.
Worship is one of them, she has a gentle faith, her voice is deep, she calls it her powerful voice, I love  hearing her sing.
She always wanted to play an instrument, she suggested the violin, I hung back, I suggested the piano, it's not really been a love affair. So one day, she mentioned the flute.
I agreed, it came home, and I watched how it overwhelmed her small frame.
We gave it a term, it didn't feel right, we'd done nothing wrong, it felt right to explore, but still, I felt at loss.
I went to my secret place, my heart, in prayer and I asked the One who really does know the beginning from the end, and said, Father You know her giftings, better than I do myself, you know what nature brings,  I do not know.
The secrets that come down her family line, often surprise me and leave me in awe, and all I can possibly do, is open the door of my heart and support her.
But, You God are all knowing. You nurtured her, in her birth mamas womb, will you open my eyes, to see, what You already know, what suits her, what will make my daughter's heart sing?
And that is where I left it, tucked away in my heart, and in God's hand, until a while later, as I walked and prayed, it came to me, dropped into my heart, the harp.
How I wish I could say that my response was elegant, composed or  calm, I looked around to check who else had heard it, of course it was between me and God.
I questioned, I argued, I challenged, but in the end, I knew what I had heard.
And so the quest began, Facebook as  always a great help, I enquired, I looked, we were put in touch with a lovely teacher, but the harp hire was prohibitive, and just as I was about to file it  all under the heading, maybe for  later, I heard again this quiet voice, which I know as well as my own, don't give up, try once more.
I rang the last place on my list, a shop with a beautiful name, affairs of the harp, left a message, and waited.
A few days later, a returned call, funny you should ring, she said, I've just had a message from a harpist who let's out a harp to students.....and the rest is His story.
A kind God Father stepped in, the hire for a few months is not too prohibitive and twinkle twinkle little star for a hundred times later, and she is away.
Adoption is a wonderful journey,  and in this journey though, there are pieces of this jigsaw, that I may never fill or get to place.
But I have come to realise, that I don't have to, no, I don't believe I do, because He does.
The One, who knows, the beginning from the end, who nurtured her, in her birth mama's womb, and then placed her in my arms, to be her forever mama, He is the one who knows, and delights in sharing His knowledge with me.
I am so thankful Lord.

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