Monday, 11 February 2013

A pearl of great price...30 years and counting

Thirty years and its pearl!!!!

That's my marriage, a pearl of great price, like the story in the Bible in Matthew, where it tells  of a pearl merchant, who found the one pearl of great value, and went, sold everything he had to acquire it.  
That was me, no I didn't offer him money to marry me, haha, i wonder what he would have thought of that, i could have said it was a strange Brasilian custom. We were though, in Tanzania always asked how many cows he had paid for my hand in marriage,  but i knew from the moment I met this fun loving, gentle country vet, that he was the man for me.
My poor Mama when I told her, me, her only child....but Chris was worth all the upheaval, all the loss, all the sacrifice, of leaving friends and family behind, he was worth it all. Though I did moan!!!!
Brasil is rather special too!!!!

Jesus tells this story as an example of what heaven is like, now I'm in no way  likening our marriage to Heaven, I'm sure Chris would liken it to many other things, but I do believe with all my heart, that our marriage was made in heaven. 

Take a crazy Brasilian, marry her to a sensible Englishman, and you are bound to get ripples, well really, I ripple and create waves, Chris stays steady. God has a sense of humour!!!

So I'm celebrating, I'm celebrating a wonderful  hunky, kind, generous Godly husband, an amazing Dad, friend and partner. A man whose roots go deep.
We have nurtured our pearl through so many trials, I nearly lost him to tick typhus in deep Africa, he nearly lost me and our twin pregnancy to black water fever, we've nurtured 4 beautiful grown up children, and now two fab little ones, we've cried, laughed and held each other very tight, through storms I do not wish to repeat and our anchor has held fast, thanks to our wonderful Saviour and Friend Jesus, our faith in Daddy God, and the creativity of the Holy Spirit, and they have  pulled us through each and every time.

We've grated each other the wrong way, we've smoothed each others ruffled feathers, we've walked away to calm down and we've sought God in it all, and no we're not perfect, our kids, family and friends can testify to that, but we've learnt a few truths along the way.

We've learnt to say yes to God, to say sorry and to always say I love you..

My darling Chris, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your love, I cannot live without.
Your early morning singing  and cheerfulness, I have learnt to accept, but most of all, your faith, your grace and your fun loving steadfastness, have kept me sane and in love with you through this journey, our marriage.
I'm so thankful that you are you..
We were once told as a newly married couple that a man marries a woman, hoping that she will never change, and a woman marries a man, hoping she will change him, and yes, they are both wrong.
I say amen to that.
I will love you always, you are so precious to me.

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